The timing depends a lot on the customer, as we need information from them. Once we have everything we need to start an average web site it usually takes about a month of work on our part.
Let’s talk,
we’ll be glad to help you
Do you have any questions, suggestions or comments?
You can consult our frequently asked questions or fill in the form, we will answer you as soon as possible.
+34 910 91 33 31
Our schedule:
Lunes a Jueves: de 8:00 a 17:30
Viernes: 8:00 a 14:00
Frequently Asked Questions
All our projects are led by a PM who is in charge of the management with the DOS SETENTA team and the client. This helps to unify the message so that we are all rowing in the same direction. The objective is that DOS SETENTA and CLIENTE form a good working team.
We understand the seasonality of many products or services and even that the needs or resources of companies are not always the same. For this reason, we work to adapt ourselves to the client in every situation so that he/she is comfortable at all times.
There is something wonderful about the Internet, and that is that everything can be measured. Our philosophy is to embrace that situation in order to receive as much information as possible and make decisions based on data and results.